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KNOW THE GOD CORRECTLY AS IS . . . If really want to know...  God, Deva,  Allah, Khuda, Brahma, or Bhagwan, all these names and more are the names of God; and yet God is beyond the limitation of name. But Fakir, Peer, Saint, Sufi, and Rishi sees God in the sun, in the fire, in the idol which dive rse sects worship; and he recognizes Him in all the forms of the universe, yet knowing Him to be beyond all form; God in all, and all in God, He being the Seen and the Unseen, the Only Being. God is not only a religious belief, but also the highest ideal the human mind can conceive. GOD’S FORMS :        One sector believes that God cannot have forms and is formless; another sector believes God has a form. The third says God is formless but takes forms. Some say everything must have a form but sometimes it is invisible. Invisible does not mean formless. For many Hindus, religion is a way of life. Sanathana Dharma accommodates the simple folk to the