Conscience in the computer memory inside our body, taking help of which we major our moral values. What ever feeding is given in it during our childhood days, it reacts accordingly. Whatever has been incorporated in our inner mind since the childhood and whatever our superiors have made us understand regarding sins and virtues, our computerized conscience reacts accordingly. And, according to that only the moral character of an individual is made. When we send the decision to the conscience it responds according to the memory fed in it whether the decision is the bad one or a good one. The meaning is – our conscience is fabricated or been incorporated to us. The scene of slaying of a goat slitting through its neck does not have any impact on a Muslim, where as the same scene is a heinous act for a Jaini.

The concept of sins or virtues is different for a Jaini than that of a Muslim, when both are human beings. Thus, this dual measurement system is created only by us. A baby born and brought up in wild without any mentor can do anything with least hesitation. For him every act is legal according to the need of his body. By over imposing the sense of sins-virtues on human being, we have made his life difficult. In the name of ‘moral discipline’, we have forcibly gained control over his elementary wishes and over his mentality. We made him understand so much about sins-virtues that the restriction imposed on him has made him scared of fulfilling even his basic needs. Scared, he is getting away from the pleasure of life. Man cannot get deep into love. Everything gets grounded with fear. Some saint or god come in between a loving couple. The calculation starts taking place. For the fear of getting ill health, they don’t get themselves involved properly. And, this incomplete ‘love making’ results in a mental depression. A healthy sex is the cause of your birth, is the cause of your mental development. But, we always think the opposite. The sheet of ‘guilty consciousness’ gets covered on the ‘life giving’ factor (strength). And, a man becomes ill tempered or frustrated. Sex is the only way for a man to get into deep of concentration. Through the medium you are born, the same will take you out or the boundary of birth-death. It is a tedious task to achieve ‘thoughtless stage’ by means of any other act. Rather than dying with reluctance, it is better to give a ‘different point of view’ to the life. Give the joy to others and keep yourself in joy. Every act in this world is legal if comes under basic requirements and, if it exceeds the requirement level the same thing or act becomes the cause of miseries.


  1. Sending light to your relationships to created balance:

    Hello beautiful beings of light,

    You can use your power of working with light to help change the energy in your relationships. If you get into a situation where someone is upset with you, rather than working hard at trying to calm them, instead allow yourself to get quiet and call light to yourself. Send as much light to yourself that you can possibly send, and then some more. Make your own energy and aura as beautiful as you possibly can and allow it to radiate pure, divine love. Once you are in this beautiful and divine state, send a link of light coming from your heart to the other person's heart. keep doing this, until you finally feel a shift of energy take place. Hold onto the connection of pure love and light being sent.

    This is one of the most powerful and loving ways to diffuse any situation that is not coming from a higher place. It will instantly take you out of the power stuggle of the solar plexus chakra and into your heartspace of pure divine love. On a soul level, the love and light you send to the other person will be felt from their higher self who is also a pure state of love. This will surpass the ego level of the situation and link your souls back together through unconditional love.

    When you work with light, it will give a situation that is not serving your relationship a chance to heal. If the relationship is not serving you both anymore, it also gives it the oppertunity to be released with love so that you both may move on to a higher place.

    You have the power to use light to heal any and all situations that enter you life. You are a magnificent being of LOVE & LIGHT!

    In divine love & light


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