Nothing has to be done to achieve, experience or meet ‘God’. Only thing you have to do is to remain in a thoughtless position. Remain in that position for sometime, keeping the mind in still position completely. In that stillness of mind God can be experienced. Mind that, no figure should come to your thought. You will be filled with tranquility with the experience of that prime element – prime soul. This tranquility will not come from out side. It will come from you inside. You can say that it will come out of your inner feeling. It is the tranquil form of yourself. It is the tranquil form of yourself. It is not so easy to achieve thoughtless stage. For that practice is required in a lonely place. Your mind will not allow you to do so even if you force for it. You should be careful enough that you should not try to drive your mind away. Neither should you try to catch the thought as well. You do only one thing – try to look into your imagination closing your eyes. If anything comes to your imagination in that position, let it come. If nothing come to it then also it does not matter. Going to sleep in that position also doesn’t matter. The day will come, when you can remain in that position for hours. And your journey towards Samadhi becomes too possible.The day will come, when you can remain in that position for hours. And your journey towards Samadhi becomes too possible so easy to achieve thoughtless stage.


  1. शरीर से बहुत बंधने की जरूरत नहीं है, शरीर के दुश्मन होने की भी जरूरत नहीं है। शरीर सुंदर घर है, रहो, शरीर की देशभाल करो, अपने को शरीर ही न मान लो। मन भी प्यारा है। उसका भी उपयोग करो। उसकी भी जरूरत है। और हृदय तो और भी प्यारा है। उसमें भी जीओ। मगर, ध्यान रहे कि मैं साक्षी हूं।

    और जिसे सतत स्मरण है कि मैं साक्षी हूं, उसकी क्रांति सुनिश्चित है।

    तुम सिर्फ साक्षी हो, वह तुम्हारा स्वरूप है। न तुम कर्ता हो—शरीर से कर्म हो; न तुम विचारक हो—मन से विचार होते हैं; न तुम भावुक हो—हृदय से भावनाएं होती हैं; तुम साक्षी हो—भावों के, विचारों के, कृत्यों के। ये तुम्हारी तीन अभिव्यक्तियां हैं। और इन तीनों के बीच में तुम्हारा साक्षी है। उस साक्षी के सूत्र को पकड़ लो।

    साक्षी के सूत्र को पकड़ते ही संन्यास का फूल खिल जाता है। जो कली की तरह रहा है जन्मों-जन्मों से, तत्क्षण उसकी पंखुड़ियां खुल जाती हैं। और वह ऐसा फूल नहीं जो कुम्हलाए, वह फूल अमृत है। वह फूल ऐसा नहीं जो मरे, वह फूल आनंद का फूल है। वह फूल ही मोक्ष है।


  2. Dhyan – Shithil hone ki vidhi. Jab kisi bistar ya asan par ho to, apne ko vajan shunay ho jane do- maan ke paar. Tum yahan baithe ho; bas bhav karo ki tum vajan shunay ho gaye, tumhara vajan na raha. Tumhe pahle lagega ki yahan-vahan vajan hai. Lekin vajan shunay hone ka bhav jaari rakho. Vah aata hai. Ek shan aata hai jab tum samjhoge ki tum vajan shunay ho, vajan nahi hai. Or jab vajan nahi raha to tum sharir nahi rahe. Kyo ki vajan sharir ka hai, tumhara nahi. Tum to vajan shunay ho. OSHO (TANTRA SUTRA)Osho

    Nil o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  3. I believe. I give. I take. I do. I don't. I trust. I love. I need. I desire. I lack. I gain. I think. I learn. I teach. I become. I expand. I contract. I harden. I soften. I take in. I let out. I am able. I express. I mistreat. I treat. I try. I always will, and I know it.

    I act. I react. I embellish. I sacrifice. I adjust. I defeat. I use. I push. I pull. I misunderstand. I make mistakes. I bend. I flex. I stress. I experiment. I feel. I ache. I require. I restrain. I hold back. I misplace. I wander. I lose. I've lost. I let go. I hold on. I can't help it. I drop. I let down. I proceed with caution. I enter at my own risk. I rebel. Hell no, I won't go. I pay the price. I use force. I don't know my own strength, won't accept my own weaknesses. I fail. I decline. I debate. I argue. I clash. I would, could, should. I can't, so I won't. But I will, and I know it.

    I scheme. I tease. I abuse. I lie. I choke. I lash out. I victimize. I take back. I refuse. I blame. I overreact. I take advantage. I descend. I deplete. I deny. I tumble. I fall. I pull .I pull away. I annoy. I scratch. I pick. I scrape. I nag. I initiate. I instigate. I deceive. I fight. I cry. I pout. I shout. I scream. I don't understand. I can't take it. I boil. I steam. I don't care. I weep. I howl. I stomp. I run. I hide. I require. I beg. I plead. I step back. I admit. I bleed. I move forward. I must accept. I need. I let go. I hold on. I can't help it. I never, but I always, and I know it.

    I focus. I express. I search. I find. I piece together. I construct. I build. I fix. I mold. I decipher. I balance. I add. I spend time. I act. I compare. I come close. I compromise. I cooperate. I establish. I place. I settle. I devote. I contribute. I listen. I hear. I see I smell. I taste. I feel. I inhale. I ... exhale. I need no one. I need everyone. I take nothing. I take anything. I own. I win. I've won. I count my blessings. I can't say that I have, won't say that I can't. I find peace. I'm not perfect, and I know it.
    I wish. I pray. I dream. I will. I buzz. I glow. I laugh. I cherish. I dance. I sing. I leap. I skip. I please. I find joy. I shine. I accept. I console. I sigh. I give praise. I remember. I reflect. I give thanks. I deserve. I work through it. I recover. I have no regrets. I aide. I help. I assure. I am sorry. I live. I learn. I raise. I grow. I develop. I never let go. I watch. I love. I admire. I appreciate. I respect. I do. I will. I have. I smile. I lift. I glide. I fly. I am whole. I am one, and I know it...

    I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next...

  4. " Tantra says a transformation is possible, And a transformation comes when you accept your total being. Then suddenly everything falls in line, then everything takes its own place; then anger is also absorbed, then greed is also absorbed. Then without trying to cut anything out of your being, your whole being rearranges itself. If you accept and say yes, a rearrangement happens, and whereas before there was a noisy clamor inside, now a melody, a music is born, a harmony comes in.

    Tantra says, ”Be yourself” – and that is the only being you can achieve ever. With acceptance desires fall. With acceptance, a desirelessness comes into being by itself. You don’t practice it, you don’t force it upon yourself. You don’t cut your desires – just by accepting, they disappear.

    For tantra, doing is knowing, and there is no other knowing. Unless you do something, unless you change, unless you have a different perspective to look at, to look with, unless you move in an altogether different dimension than the intellect, there is no answer. Answers can be given – they are all lies.

    All philosophies are lies. You ask a question and the philosophy gives you an answer. It satisfies you or doesn’t satisfy you. If it satisfies you, you become a convert to the philosophy, but you remain the same. If it doesn’t satisfy you, you go on searching for some other philosophy to be converted to. But you remain the same; you are not touched at all, you are not changed.

    "और जिसे सतत स्मरण है कि मैं साक्षी हूं, उसकी क्रांति सुनिश्चित है। O S H O

  5. " The more you are unaware of what you are doing and the more you can do things that are evil. When I say a thing is evil, I do not mean the content of it. I say a thing is evil when it creates unconsciousness unnecessarily: that is my definition. I do not say violence is bad because you will kill someone. I say violence is bad because you cannot be violent without unconsciousness. That unconsciousness is the evil, because that unconsciousness is the background, the basis, of all ignorance, of all dreams, of all illusions, of all the nonsense that we can create. Evil is nothing more than an unconscious mind.

    Everything that is of authentic value in life has arisen out of meditation. There is no other way. Meditation is the mother of art, music, poetry, dance, sculpture. All that is creative, all that is life-affirmative, is born out of meditation. All that is life-negative -- hate, anger, jealousy, violence, war -- is born out of the mind. Man has two possibilities: mind and meditation.

    Love needs no reference -- that's the beauty of love and the freedom of love. Hate is a bondage. Hate is imprisonment -- imposed by you upon yourself. And hate creates hate, hate provokes hate. If you hate somebody you are creating hate in that person's heart for yourself. And the whole world exists in hate, in destructiveness, in violence, in jealousy, in competitiveness. People are at each other's throats either in reality, actuality, in action, or at least in their minds, in their thoughts, everybody is murdering, killing. That's why we have created a hell out of this beautiful earth -- which could have become a paradise. Love, and the earth becomes a paradise again. And the immense beauty of love is that it has no reference. Love comes from you for no reason at all. It is your outpouring bliss, it is your sharing of your heart. It is the sharing of the song of your being. And sharing is so joyful -- hence one shares! Sharing for sharing's sake, for no other motive. " O S H O G

  6. The soul can grow only in freedom. And when you give freedom, you are free, that's what detachment is. If you enforce bondage on the other, you will be in imprisonment on your own accord. If you bind the other, the other will bind you; if you define the other, the other will define you; if you are trying to possess the other, the other will possess you.

  7. " 'FREEEDOM' means freedom from the mind. Then you are simply in a silence, and in that silence you melt, you merge with the whole. And to melt and merge with the whole is to be holy. Not by fasting, not by torturing, but by becoming one with the whole, one becomes holy. Your freedom is a supreme value. Nothing is higher than that. But your freedom is possible only if you are not encaged in your habits, unconscious patterns of living. Change your gestalt from unconsciousness to consciousness.

    Never follow anybody else's idea -- that is very dangerous because you will become imitative. Always follow your own nature, self-nature; only then will you attain to freedom. It is better to die following one's nature than to live following somebody's else's nature, because that will be a pseudo life. To die following one's nature is beautiful, because that death too will be authentic.

    Desire is our imprisonment. The man who wants nothing, who is absolutely contented as he is, is free of all bondage. He has attained to ultimate freedom, nirvana -- and that is the goal of life. And it is only by attaining that freedom that you will know the significance of being, the song of being, the celebration of being. Your life will become a continuous bliss, and not only that YOU will be blissful, you will be able to bless others too. The whole existence will be blessed by you, by your very presence.

    Buddha says: Meditation brings two things. It brings wisdom, it brings freedom. These two flowers grow out of meditation. When you become silent, utterly silent, beyond the mind, two flowers bloom in you. One is of wisdom: you know what is and what is not. And the other is of freedom: you know now there are no more any limitations on you, either of time or of space. You become liberated. Meditation is the key to liberation, to freedom, to wisdom. "

  8. Change your unconsciousness to consciousness.

  9. एक आदमी बड़ा मकान बनाता है। उसका मतलब सिर्फ यह है कि वह अपने शरीर को बड़ा बना रहा है। कोई और मतलब नहीं है। एक आदमी बड़ा मकान बनाता है और बड़े मकान में जरा लगता है कि थोड़ा मुक्त हुआ। स्पेस बढ़ी, जगह बड़ी हुई। छोटी कोठरी में ज्यादा बंद मालूम होता था, बड़े मकान में जरा खुला मालूम पड़ता है। लेकिन थोड़े दिन में वह भी छोटा मालूम पड़ने लगता है। फिर एक बड़ा महल बनाता है, थोड़े दिन में वह भी छोटा मालूम पड़ने लगता है। असल में आदमी के पास इतना बड़ा अस्तित्व है कि पूरा आकाश भी छोटा है। इसलिए वह कितने ही बड़े मकान बनाता जाए, सब छोटे पड़ जाएंगे। उसको इतनी स्पेस चाहिए, जितनी परमात्मा को मिली है। बस, इससे कम में काम नहीं चल सकता। वहां भी भीतर परमात्मा ही है। वह पूरी जगह चाहता है, वह असीम चाहता है, जहां कहीं कोई सीमा न आती हो। जहां भी सीमा आएगी, वहीं बंधन मालूम होगा। और शरीर बहुत तरह की सीमाएं बना लेता है। देखने की सीमा, सुनने की सीमा, सोचने की सीमा, सब चीज की सीमा है। और असीम है अस्तित्व...........,

    और सीमित है अभिव्यक्ति, इसलिए अभिव्यक्ति से मुक्त होना ही संसार से मुक्त होना है। वह जिसको हम पुरानी भाषा में कहें, आवागमन से मुक्त होना, वह अभिव्यक्ति से मुक्त होना है। वह शुद्ध अस्तित्व की तलाश है, प्योर एक्झिस्टेंस की तलाश है। वह उस अस्तित्व की तलाश है, जहां अभिव्यक्ति नहीं होगी, बस होना ही होगा--जस्ट बीइंग--सिर्फ होना ही रह जाएगा। और कोई सीमा न होगी। सिर्फ होने में सीमा नहीं है। तो जिस दिन कोई समाधि को पाकर, सब बिल्ट-इन-प्रोग्रैम तोड़कर, अभिव्यक्ति की सारी आकांक्षाएं छोड़कर, अभिव्यक्ति की सारी वासनाओं को छोड़कर मरता है, उस दिन उसके पास फिर कोई शरीर नहीं होता, फिर हम उसका फोटोग्राफ नहीं ले सकते।

    महामृत्यु........................ लेकिन एक बार ऐसी मृत्यु भी होती है, जब सूक्ष्म शरीर भी आपके साथ नहीं होता। वैसी मृत्यु को ही मुक्ति, वैसी मृत्यु को ही मोक्ष...। उसके बाद सिर्फ अस्तित्व होता है, फिर कोई अभिव्यक्त शरीर नहीं होता। लेकिन साधारण मृत्यु में आपके साथ एक शरीर होता है। असाधारण मृत्यु है वह, महामृत्यु है, समाधिस्थ की होती है। जो इस जन्म में समाधि को उपलब्ध होगा, उसका मतलब होता है कि उसने जीते जी अपने सूक्ष्म शरीर को विसर्जित कर दिया। समाधि का मतलब ही यही है कि उसने जीते जी सूक्ष्म शरीर को विसर्जित कर दिया, बिल्ट-इन-प्रोगै्रम तोड़ डाला। अब आगे की यात्रा के लिए उसके पास कोई योजना न रही। अब न कोई पंचवर्षीय योजना है उसके पास, न कोई पांच जीवन की। अब उसके पास कोई योजना नहीं है। अब वह योजना-मुक्त हो गया। अब इस शरीर के गिरते ही उसके पास सिर्फ अस्तित्व रह जाएगा, अभिव्यक्ति नहीं। O S H O

  10. To know everything is to know nothing...


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