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The Blog in Brief ...
The supreme element spread in the sky of infinity, got accumulated which then took up the huge energetic form of the ‘Almighty’ and then took a corporal form which was equipped with the divine capabilities, along with energy, power, consciousness and wisdom (intelligence). It also contained all the five element of a ‘matter’. Due to the strong will power it could take up a gigantic shape which was a grand sphere infinitely bigger than earth. For millions of years it was the sole existence of versatile qualities and was leading a great life and prosperity. Getting bored with this, it intended to divide itself into more numbers. By the power of determination, a storm of fierce energy began, which led to its explosion. From this, many universes, milky ways and stars got formed.......with available element and by combination of defferent energies, the life restarted ...

LIFE IS VERY RARE IN THE UNIVERSE... and God is everywhere... The then Almighty is in a state of salvation. At present nature is almighty.

Nature is not yet became perfect. She is partially negative also. She has desires for improvement, increase of her strength and capacity. She likes every thing as you compel to do by your nature. Nature Involves enjoyment as well as punishment and sacrifice... Know here ......Nature the ocean fish said to water, "you can't see my tears as I live in water" but water answered, "I can feel your tears as you're in my heart but You have to know yourself, you are two sisters, one is positive and another is negative like day & night, like rat and cat." "So enjoy without fear, I'm always with you (as well as every one ), but be careful." God is within yourself, so enjoy and take care !

After a time of infinity, the life span of the creation will be completed. Then, slowly it will stop expanding itself, and everything will start shrinking, and then with explosion everything will convert into energy, and that will be the day of Armageddon ( Maha Pralay ) on the creation. These energies, after accumulation will get alive again three days after. It means, the “almighty” will come back to its original form, as it was before (prior to the creation). What ever you call it as ‘ almighty ’.

God will re-start the creation. The first day after the dooms day will be the day of justice. That day the total energy elements (the Almighty) will convert into a gigantic sphere, which will be cumulative form of atoms of infinite numbers. In every atoms there will be probability of life hidden inside it in a seed form, where the life energy and its capabilities along with the chance (for life) will be concealed inside. It is like, a seed of a banyan tree in which the whole tree is hidden inside. That day will decide the fate of everybody to take their own part in the creation on the path of ‘life of infinity’.

God / Allah is too merciful and generous enough for allowing the worst of the persons to change their fate through good deeds (KARMA), but for that they have to fight with the fate with the lose of virtues, one has to face the result of his destiny, and in the life cycle of infinity after bearing the pain of birth and death he attains ‘Gati’ (his life takes motion). This period of incarnation and death is like remaining awake, whole day doing all the work and then going to sleep at night. In the life of infinity the death is like a rest of one night. Life is like a dream. Some last seven minutes and some last for seventy years. Whether it is of seven minutes of seventy years, with the opening of eyes (with death), the “sand castle” gets destroyed. Every now and then we see dreams, and each time the sand castle gets destroyed. That is why in Islam and Christianity, it is stated that there is only one birth of a life.

हमें भगवानकी आवश्यकता क्यों है ? - जो मनुष्य सांसारिक दुःखों से छूटना चाहता है, पराधीनता से छूटकर स्वाधीन होना चाहता है, उसकी मुक्ति हो जाती है। परन्तु जो मनुष्य संसार से दुःखी होकर ऐसा सोचता है कि कोई अपना होता, जो मुझे अपनी शरण लेकर, अपने गले लगाकर मेरे दुःख, सन्ताप, पाप, अभाव, भय, नीरसता आदि को हर लेता, उसको भक्ति प्राप्त हो जाती है। तात्पर्य यह हुआ कि मुक्ति पाने के लिये ईश्वर की आवश्यकता नहीं है, प्रत्युत भक्ति पाने के लिये ईश्वर की आवश्यकता है। जब मनुष्य इस बात को जान लेता है कि इतने बड़े संसार में, अनन्त ब्रह्माण्डों में कोई भी वस्तु अपनी नहीं है, प्रत्युत जिसके एक अंश में अनन्त ब्रह्माण्ड हैं, वही अपना है, तब उसके भीतर भगवान की आवश्यकता का अनुभव होता है। कारण कि अपनी वस्तु वही हो सकती है, जो सदा हमारे साथ रहे और हम सदा उसके साथ रहें। जो कभी हमसे अलग न हो और हम कभी उससे अलग न हों। ऐसी वस्तु भगवान ही हो सकते हैं। That is Astha .


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