1. Physical - Material body
2. Ethric - Intelligence & arrogance (space body)
3. Shadow - Thin body (desire body ) or sukshma
4. Mettle - Pran or Consciousness
5. Spiritual - Spiritual body, Sanskar, Informations
6. Cosmic - Brahman (High Voltage Element) or (Super Energy)
7. Absolute Space - Zero or Shunya (Sky) .

The difference of living body and dead body is called a SOUL (a super energy). After separation of the soul from the body, the body becomes inactive. This stage of the body is called ‘death’. Death occurs to the body only. The soul for which the body remains alive never get destroyed. Its existence remains the same. A soul has seven layers. After the death, the cosmic element (Brahman) and spiritual body (Sanskar) along with the conscious body, thin body comes out from the ‘material body’. With the cremation of physical body or material body, the thin (desire) body also meets the end. As long as the thin body is alive it roms around the periphery of the material body. When the thin (desire) body gets destroyed, the soul (Brahman + Sanskar + Pran) has to bear the pain of death for the second time. Then the conscious body of the soul takes its place on the queue to have a new body according to its own will.

In other words, after death Brahman + Sanskar + Pran + thin (desire) body get out from the body. The meanings is Brahman, Sanskar and the consciousness body in the cordon of desire body comes out of the dead body. The arrogance and intelligence is developed along with the development of the physical body only. Generally with cremation or melting away of the material body, the desire body also get destroyed. The intelligence, conscience, arrogance and desire get merged with ‘Sanskar’ i.e. they go back to the dormant stage. This way in a soul or ‘life soul’, three layers of Brahman, Sanskar and Pran are left. After that the Pran (Oxygen) according to the ‘Sanskar’ leads the Brahman in the direction of a new life (to the queue).
As long as the thin body is alive, it roams around the periphery of the material body. When the thin (desire) body bets destroyed. Then soul (Brahman + Sanskar + Pran) has to bear the pain of death for the second time. The pyramid maker of ancient Egypt used to mummify the dead people, might be with the consideration that, the physical body would not die by allowing the soul to move freely in the cordon of desire body, so that, it should be free from the clumsiness born out of the complexity of birth and death. The soul has its own limitations while inside the body. But as soon as it comes out of the material body, it gets all the freedom.

(After the death the first two layers of the soul get merged with the third layer and after the cremation or melting away of the body the third layer also get merged with the 5th layer that is only 4th and 5th layers of an ordinary soul remains.)

Before joining the queue for a new life, it is necessary for the desire body to get destroyed. Like this, so many souls in cluster, flow in the queue with the Sanskar and odor they carry, and then enter the body of a person having the same Sanskar and odor, to become a part of the sexual organ passing through different phases in the body. During the sexual intercourse by the parents, they separate themselves from the reproductive organ to get a new life if any one of them is received by the ovum, as we have discussed before. The rest are destroyed due to the lack of protection to join the queue again. With years of effort only it gets a new life. The time period between death and rebirth is called and interval (ANTARAL).

Generally, the soul with a less span of ANTARAL holds back the memory of the previous birth, but with longer period of ANTARAL it can’t retain the memory of the past life. The memory gets fade away in time. During Antaral period the soul feels the heaven or hell in the inner body of any other person. As we have discussed before, the body of the father has seven layers and each layer contains seven portions as according as the seven spiral spots (Chakra). During the period of ‘Antaral’ the life soul (cell) spends time in those portions of the father’s body in a form of gem and as according to the ‘ Sanskar’. The seven layer of the father’s body is like seven worlds, where the germ suffer from the joy or grief, and remain that till the completion of the process before getting a place in the reproductive organ, the kind of mental status a person carries during death, the status leaves an impression on the ‘Sanskar’ like a ‘reel of film’. And according to these mental status during the period of Antaral the life soul lives on that experience. The period of Antaral may be from few days to several years, because out of thousands of germs, only one or two get the opportunity to form a new life at a time. The rest get destroyed to go back to the queue. There is no separate heaven or hell. One has to suffer it here only. Our ‘Sanskar’ which like a computer memory, stores the development occurred during the births of infinity and we can’t escape the result those mental dispositions which we have earned. That is why the sages have urged to avail tranquility, they have also urged to destroy the Sanskar, so that agony caused by the mental disposition comes to an end. While building the creation, God had cultured ‘desire’ to give pleasure to the creature. But along with the development, the desire with the help of Pran ‘ (Consciousness) started bullying upon the ‘Sanskar’, and here started the trouble. Today, every creature has a inclination towards the desires. Nobody has time for the fundamental awareness. In the beginning of the ‘creation’ the grand sphere which was produced from the prime element, had some ‘natural’ loopholes. Selfishness is right for a single person, but when it comes to more persons, it becomes the cause of alterations. Accordingly, the natural loopholes spread to the total creation. There are two existents in every ‘body’. One is of desire and mettle (consciousness), and the other one is of spiritual and ‘Brahman’. There is a regular ‘rope’ competition between these two, and who ever wins takes over the intelligence and the ‘physical body’. The main point is to convert this dual existence into one without any internal revolt. The day you will not have any internal revolt, you will become complete. You are in such a situation that both your accelerator and the brake are applied together. The vehicle is dragged without the coordination of both. The turn of moving or running it has not come yet, because two elephants are forcing each other in the opposite directions being tied at tails and not ready to listen or obey to each other. Life is like that ! If one dies, anther fills its stomach. With the death of one, another gets its food. Clay is dependent on the stone, the plant life is dependent on the clay the animal life is dependent on plant or other animal. Every body is dependent on one another. One eats another to exist. This is nothing but transformation of elements to make different shapes. Every molecules of the nature and every creature are part of the creation only. Different shapes created in them is the combined representation of the germs and atoms, which depend on each other to bring these shapes. They are present in the clay, in the stone and in the total vegetation. They are ‘life elements’. The scientific research has proved that the plants also feel the pain when being cut with a weapon and they also can make out what the person in front thinks about them – ‘Today they are eating, tomorrow they will be eaten or already been eaten.’ Countless numbers of molecules and atoms have become bricks to build houses for you. You were also an atom of some other brick, one day. Tomorrow, you may become a roof for somebody else. Today we are building items from trees and leaves for our comfort. One day, we were also trees and leaves, for our comfort. You were also a tree or leaf one day. You are an unit of this creation. You used to be an atom before, now a germ, and this is the life cycle of yours during the time of infinity.

Because,‘O’ human being, for the construction of your body some 10 billions cells are required and each cell is made up of thousands of atomic germs. Lice in the hair, mosquitoes in the drain and the insects in the dark corners, where do they come from ? Have you ever asked the black ants on the age of wash basin, where they come from ? You wait till they (ants) escape from the basin area, so that you can wash you face and no ant should get washed away. But it doesn’t work, they (ants) don’t bother and get washed away with the flow of water. Other creatures like spider, rats, if you don’t kill them they will spoil your food and your sleep. The mosquitoes, if you don’t use mosquito “repeler”, they will suck up your blood. You have them starved to death, by using a mosquito net. How content you feel in that ? How do the ants know where the sugar is ? Those ants with wings, how you burn them to char? Why do you destroy the honey combs and the wasp den ? The reason is, for existence of one species, an another is sacrificed. You connive for it, but your virtuous mind gets entangled with the ‘net o virtues’ seeing those insects dying. By slaying a lamb, 10 people fill there stomach, but with the killing of 50 mosquitoes a person gets proper sleep. The driver of a ‘road roller’, if cares for the insects on the road can never construct a road.

It is stated in the ‘holy Koran’ as NAHAK KHANA UDANA GUNAH MEN SAMIL HAIN (Every act is legal according to the requirements). And it is also mentioned in that, as ‘making huddles on the good deeds of even an enemy is a disobedience of the ‘order’ of ALLAH.
It is easy to escape the world, but remaining here fighting with loop-holes of ‘nature’ and becoming part of the ‘creation’ is too difficult. Till date, the saints have suggested of ‘escaping’ only. Have any body ever dared to remain obstinate (on facing it), after knowing every thing ? Don’t get trapped with the net of life and don’t escape from the struggle of it either. You only have to elevate others, and have to make the creation well progressed.


  1. B R E A T H E in B R E A T H E out

    Think about it.
    That Breath, who is the ordainer of our very existence, in the physical realm; do we spend even a few minutes everyday, meeting or honouring or 'Being With Breath' ?

    Our simple act of drawing in oxygen and expressing out co2, isn't really that simple!

    Yogic Science tells us that each breath is woven of Five Vayus or Winds, from the physical to the most subtle.

    #Apana: the downward flowing Vayu which located from the navel to the mooladhara- the base plexus.It is associated with the element of water

    #Samana- the sideways flowing Vayu from the navel to the diaphragm. It is associated with the element of Fire.

    #Prana: Prana Vayu is upward flowing from the chest to the thorax. It is associated with the element of Air.

    #Udana: governs the area above the neck and is responsible for all the sense organs. It is associated with the element of Ether, Space.

    #Vyana: pervades the whole body, regulates and controls all movement and is of The Sacred Earth.

    Each breath cycle, is bristling timelessly, with the Energy and Vibrance of All That Which has Been, Is and Shall Ever Be!
    And in the natural pause between breath inhaled & it's expansion exhaled, is All Infinity.

    #breathflow #breathingexercises #immunity #wellbeing #pranayamabreathing #kriyayoga #breathworkhealing #selfawareness

  2. Jivan mukt awastha / salvation : Feel the stage of salvation for time being :

    Old theory: जब मन न था, आप नहीं थे, जगत नहीं था तब जो तत्त्व था, अस्तित्त्व था उसे ईश्वर कहो, परमात्मा कहो, चाहे ब्रह्म कहो। उसी में से हमारी, आपकी व पूरे विश्व की उत्पत्ति हुई है। उस परमात्मा में अपना मन लीन होने देने से बोध होता है कि हम ही वह निर्मल अस्तित्त्व हैं और पूरा विश्व हमारा मनोव्यवपार मात्र, कल्पना मात्र है। जैसे एक महासागर है। वह स्थिर है, शांत है, गंभीर है। उसमें एक तरंग उठी, दूसरी उठी, तीसरी उठी। ऐसी अनंत-अनंत तरंगे उठीं और लीन हो गई। फिर से उठीं और लीन हो गईं। महासागर का कुछ बना नहीं, कुछ बिगड़ा नहीं। वह ज्यों का त्यों है। उसी प्रकार मैं, आप, वह-सब एक ही चैतन्यरूपी महासागर की तरंगें हैं। कोई तरंग बड़ी है कोई छोटी है। लेकिन हैं सब तरंगे। सब तरंगे जलरूप ही हैं, जल के अतिरिक्त और कुछ भी नहीं। तरंगों को बोध हो जाय कि 'मैं जलरूप हूँ....' तो यही उसकी मुक्ति है। वैसे ही चैतन्यसमुद्र में तरंगों के समान बने हुए जीव को बोध हो जाय कि 'मैं चैतन्य ही हूँ...' तो यही उसकी मुक्ति है।

    तरंग है जीवभाव, समुद्र है ईश्वरमात्र और जल है ब्रह्मभाव। जल ही तरंग व समुद्र बना है। तरंग छोटी हो चाहे बड़ी, वह जल ही है। उसे जल बनना नहीं है। ऐसे ही जीव कैसा भी हो वह ब्रह्मरूप ही है। ब्रह्म बनने का अभ्यास नहीं करना है, केवल जानना है अपने ब्रह्मत्व को।
    The Infinite space is Supreme God and in the sky of infinity, the universal super energy is God (parmatma) and everything in the universe is condensed form of it." Supreme God is everywhere...All power comes from his limitless being...

    LIFE IS VERY RARE IN THE UNIVERSE... and God is everywhere...

    1) If everyone opted for Salvation what will happen...the Earth will convert in to desert/desolate (DUNIYA KO KHANDHAR BANANA CHAHTE HO KYA...?)

    Salvation does not mean distruction. Salvation means being in a state where we see only Solution and problems do not seem problems. Attaining this empowered state is called jeevan mukti one who has attained salvation being in life.
    when every human being lives in this state of salvation then the world is called heaven. So heaven is this earth when every soul is pure and lives in jeevan mukti and we exist in physical body.

    Feel love & light wth light.

  3. Английский и русский
    As you already know, a person has seven energy centers (chakras).
    Each center is a condenser of prana (of which the most powerful condenser of energy is the Manipura chakra). In each chakra, in addition to accumulation, the transformation of prana into its specific form, which differs from each other in wavelength, is carried out.
    The vibration frequency in the chakras increases from the lower chakra (Muladhara chakra) to the upper chakra (Sahasrara chakra), which is also expressed in the colors of the chakras (from red to purple). The first five types of energy, corresponding to the first five chakras, many years ago were designated conventionally by the names of the elements: earth, water, fire, air, ether.

    The energy corresponding to the lower chakra (and the elements of the earth), the coarsest (with the longest wavelength). The color of this energy (and the color of the chakra) is red...on this energy, a person performs rough physical work, monotonous, monotonous, does not require brain work.
    In the Svadhisthana chakra, the energy is with a shorter wavelength than in the Muladhara chakra.
    Svadhisthana chakra - sexual energy, energy color - orange.
    The Manipura chakra produces the kind of energy needed to control the involuntary functions of the body energy color is yellow.
    Anahata chakra - the frequency of this energy (and, accordingly, the frequency of vibration of the chakra) is at the lower border of the frequencies of the invisible plane of existence, the so-called astral plane. The energy color is green.
    If the three lower chakras work in the material plane (at the level of the physical and etheric body), then the upper chakras, starting with the Vishuddha chakra, work in the non-material plane (at the level of the astral body and the corresponding energy field).
    Anahata chakra (heart chakra) - the center of communication between two planes and this is reflected in the position of the chakra: in the main energy flow, moving along the path in the form of a figure eight, the chakra is located at the intersection of flows, on the border of two halves of the figure eight, one of which is in the material, and the other is in the astralplane.

    Working on the energy of the Anahata chakra, a person seems to draw ideas and images from the flow of information in the astral plane and brings them down into the material world.
    It should be noted that the astral plane is the space of the fourth dimension. in three-dimensional space, a person perceives volumes or shapes, he has a present and a future, he can predict events. Four-dimensional space can be represented in the form of a fixed point, where time and space merge, in it you can see both the form of an object and what is inside this object, that is, the unity of form and content occurs (the human point of the fourth dimension, according to the yogis, is located in the Sahasrara chakra; upon reaching the Kundalini - Shakti of this chakra, a person enters the state of Samadhi and, having cognized the essence of things, acquires unlimited knowledge.The energy corresponding to the Vishuddha chakra creates sensually colored images when communicating, people release energy clots from their biofield in the form of certain images colored with love, fear, goodwill, envy (such images begin to live independently of people; each image has a certain life spanafter which it disintegrates) Tthe color of energy is blue. The energy of the Ajna chakra is the energy of images without sensory coloring. Architects and sculptors can work on this energy. The energy color is blue.
    The energy of the Sahasrara chakra is purple, it is the energy of abstract thinking of the highest level (at which the forms disappear, only content remains). Philosophers can work on this energy.

  4. Как вы уже знаете, у человека семь энергетических центров (чакр).
    Каждый центр является конденсатором праны (из которых самым мощным конденсатором энергии является чакра Манипура). в каждой чакре, помимо накопления, осуществляется преобразование праны в ее специфическую форму, отличающуюся друг от друга длиной волны.
    частота вибраций в чакрах увеличивается от нижней чакры (чакра Муладхара) к верхней чакре (чакра Сахасрара), что также выражается в цветах чакр (от красного до пурпурного). первые пять видов энергии, соответствующие первым пяти чакрам, много лет назад условно обозначались названиями элементов: земля, вода, огонь, воздух, эфир.

    энергия, соответствующая нижней чакре (и стихии земли), самой грубой (с самой длинной длиной волны). цвет этой энергии (и цвет чакры) красный ... на этой энергии человек выполняет грубую физическую работу, монотонную, однообразную, не требует работы мозга.
    В чакре Свадхистана энергия имеет более короткую длину волны, чем в чакре Муладхара.
    Свадхистана чакра - сексуальная энергия, цвет энергии - оранжевый.
    Чакра Манипура производит энергию, необходимую для контроля непроизвольных функций тела, цвет энергии желтый.
    анахата чакра - частота этой энергии (и, соответственно, частота вибрации чакры) находится на нижней границе частот невидимого плана существования, так называемого астрального плана. Цвет энергии зеленый.
    если три нижние чакры работают на материальном плане (на уровне физического и эфирного тела), то верхние чакры, начиная с чакры Вишуддхи, работают на нематериальном плане (на уровне астрального тела и соответствующийэнергетическое поле).анахата чакра (сердечная чакра) - центр связи между двумя планами и это отражается в положении чакры: в основном потоке энергии, движущемся по пути в виде восьмерки, чакра расположена в точкепересечение потоков, на границе двух половинок восьмерки, одна из которых находится в материальном, а другая - в астральном плане.
    Работая с энергией чакры Анахата, человек как бы черпает идеи и образы из потока информации на астральном плане и переносит их в материальный мир.
    Следует отметить, что астральный план - это пространство четвертого измерения. ... живя в трехмерном пространстве, человек воспринимает объемы или формы, у него есть настоящее и будущее, он может предсказывать события. четырехмерное пространство можно представить в виде фиксированной точки, где время и пространство сливаются, в нем можно увидеть как форму объекта, так и то, что находится внутри этого объекта, то есть происходит единство формы и содержания ( человеческая точкачетвертое измерение, по мнению йогов, находится в чакре Сахасрара; достигнув Кундалини - Шакти этой чакры, человек входит в состояние Самадхи и, познав суть вещей, обретает безграничные знанияэнергия, соответствующая чакре Вишуддхи, при общении создает чувственно окрашенные образы, люди высвобождают из своего биополя сгустки энергии в виде определенных образов, окрашенных любовью, страхом, доброй волей, завистью (такие образы начинают житьнезависимо от людей; у каждого образа есть определенная продолжительность жизни, после которой он распадается) Цвет энергии синий. энергия чакры аджна - это энергия изображений без чувственной окраски. Над этой энергией могут работать архитекторы и скульпторы. Цвет энергии синий.
    энергия чакры Сахасрара пурпурная, это энергия абстрактного мышления наивысшего уровня (при котором формы исчезают, остается только содержание). Философы могут работать с этой энергией.

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