The salvation stage of the soul is called as ‘void’. This is what also called as prime element, prime soul etc. When the soul attains its complete form, i.e. The Sanskar in it get destroyed. And by this the ‘conscious’ changes into void.
Prime element- is a prime stage, a salvation stage.
‘Conscious’ – is a divine stage.
Soul – A human stage, is a life soul, is a consciousness stage in between inert and ( consciousness )
Atom – Again a material stage.
Life soul – Neutron (female) + Proton (male). With the combination of this two an atom / life soul comes to an existence.

During the conceiving period, the neutron and proton remains together. With the development of the physical body, they become two ends of the spinal cord. If, ‘Samadhi’ occurs during the life period of a man, then combination occurs between the two. The Samadhi stage is its completeness. Two voids combine to make a "complete one. The ‘conscious’ of God can be explained like this :-

God is a bunch of light tremendously fast moving, whose rays are present in the smallest of molecules. God was a conscious in the beginning period of creation; now it is in a salvation stage. God was the base of creation, as the soul or ‘conscious’ is the base of our body.
As with the escape of soul from the body, the body still exists, that way even after the escape of god from the creation, the creation is still existing.

This is why, in our scriptures, it is told about this world as a ‘lie’ essence less. It is also told there to gain a place in the world of God. God’s place, GOLOK, heaven, other world, are the names of that place where the ‘God’ is living in a stage of salvation. God’s place is not a particular place still is spread in the invisible part of the total space.


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